Saturday, December 4, 2010

Intriguing and Incongruous Property

We spent the morning tromping around an estate that was up for auction. It's a former horse farm on a lot of land.

We live in an area with lots of waterfront estates, however this is the first time I've ever visted one with Roman statuary attached to the roof.

As we got closer, we were treated to the Full Blown Glory that was Rome! However, the exterior of the house resembled an 80's tract home in California, right before the McMansion period.

This is the entrance to the property, it looks more like the traditional fare you usually see around here on the rivers off the Chesapeake Bay.

Inside the house, over-the-top'ism prevailed. Unfortunately I didn't have my camera so all the photos here came from the auction site, and they didn't take many of the house's interior. This mural is from the powder room--seemed like a great house for parties.

One of several living room murals complete with tromp l'oeil columns.

This was actually my favorite room, it felt almost classic with its crown moldings and arched windows. It was empty when I saw it and you could really appreciate the M.C. Escher-esque feel of the parquet, which fascinated us with its visible (on purpose?) nail holes. We couldn't figure out if the owners had done the murals and woodwork themselves. There is a boat load of work to be done, but someone with flair and lotsa money could make a great retreat here. Oh and the place is still for sale.


  1. that is kind of hideous isnt it. what a fun crazy thing to do :)

  2. It really was! I was trying to imagine how it looked in its heyday but got to admit, it escaped me.
