Sunday, November 6, 2011

Random Views of a November Afternoon

The leaves finally started to turn about a week ago.
Here's the view from my studio.
Inside my studio... the slogan was born when I was asked to dumb down my artist statement for a local co-op gallery. I took her advice very badly.
One of my plants has been losing a lot of leaves since I brought it in for the winter. I made this out of homesickness for all things tropical. Look at all the colors...
 Another glimpse of the late September bounty from France.

Just to remind you (and myself) that brighter days await!


  1. i really like your new blog header photo :)
    looking soothing here this morning, nice post woman

  2. Beauty all around you, and beauty within you as well. (I love the statement about what art is NOT)! xxoo, sus

  3. P & S, thanks-glad you like my post! That statement reminds me to stay passionate about art, as if I need to be reminded :-)

  4. Lol .... well I'm scrolling through posts, mouth watering after the oozy cinnamon bun, admiring the tropical lattice ..... yes lattice , not lettuce...and now collapsing with laughter at your sign.

    1. Glad you liked my sign, I'm thinking of doing up some t-shirts one of these days.
